Welcome to Skellingthorpe Camera Club

Our December meeting included the AGM during which members voted to re-elect the current officers and committee to serve for another year. The meeting also approved a proposal to hold fees at the 2024 level.

With the formal business out of the way club Chair, Nick McDonald, ran a photography-themed quiz and Treasurer, Rick Farrar, presided over a raffle of prizes kindly donated by members which raised £45.00 for club funds.

During the evening, members enjoyed a delicious buffet laid on by Debs Betts.

Nick McDonald won the monthly competition on the theme of “After dark (mono)” with a moody shot of a steam train.

At the January meeting we shall be voting on the Photograph of the Year and there will be a presentation on water droplet photography. The competition theme will be “Through the glass”.

The Monthly Competition Themes and Club Evening Events for 2024 can be viewed on the Club Diary page.Club Diary

You can view images from previous online or printed competitions by clicking the links below, or use the heading menu.

Thank you to all members who have attended meetings, entered competitions, voted, or just viewed the website.


A very warm welcome - please enjoy your trip through our site and perhaps look at our Projects page Photography Projects. whilst you are here.

If you're thinking of joining us, send your email via the Contact Us Form and we will contact you as soon as possible.