We meet on the second Tuesday of every month of the year; sometimes we're out and about, sometimes we have practical sessions at the school - often with a few words of guidance beforehand - and sometimes we have a presentation either by a club member or an invited speaker. Other than outings, meetings are held at St Lawrence School, Skellingthorpe, and commence at 7.30 p.m.

Our monthly competitions all have a theme, chosen by the club committee from a list of ideas submitted by members who then vote for their chosen winners each month. Entries and winners of previous competitions can be viewed here. Monthly Competitions.

Club Diary 2025
DateActivityCompetition Theme
14 JanPhoto of the Year voting & Water Droplets presentationThrough the glass
11 FebPost-processing demo (Tony Defriez)Triangles
11 MarEvening outing to Newark for light trailsUpside down
08 AprExternal speaker - Sally FaulknerSunrise/sunset
13 MayPractical - Intentional Camera MovementGraffiti
10 JunPractical - Capturing black & white imagesCanals & rivers
08 JulPresentation on Infra-red photography (Tony Defriez)On the move
12 AugClub Outing - BardneyAnimals
09 SepMembers' evening discussing projected imagesSports & games
14 OctExternal Speaker - Nick Waller (Astrophotography)In flight
11 NovPractical - Which mode, when?Sweet things
09 DecAGM & Festive Social EveningFungi